SEO Company in Italy

Online visibility is not optional

The outcome of purchasing processes is now largely played out on the web. It is online that potential buyers find information, form their opinion on brands and products, compare prices and features to arrive at a purchasing decision.

Considers that:

In B2B, 67% of the purchasing process occurs before the seller meets the buyer.
For a brand not appearing in the first Google results does not favor its leadership image

Seo company in italy

Whatever your company’s industry, a good position in Google results is a prerequisite for success.


Search Engine Optimization activity aims to improve the
company positions in search engine results, Google first and foremost.

Cdweb is a SEO company in italy that is able to improve a company’s position on Google in order to be the number one choice.

The activities start from the analysis of the site and its contents and the identification of all the interventions that will ensure that Google evaluates us positively and puts us at the top of its results.

SEO optimization is not black magic. On the contrary: it requires a constant commitment in the adoption of best practices combined with continuous and constant updating on the evolution of the Google algorithm and to avoid being overtaken by competitors.

Our Seo company follows two proven SEO principles: careful analysis of organic search traffic metrics, combined with a strategic approach to developing search-optimized content.

SEO Company in italy

Since 2002 chosen by over 300 B2B companies

Real stories from real customers.

Federica Maritano

+994% Commercial Leads

Simona Maioli

+33% of conversions in one semester

Frauke Neuberg

+129% organic traffic in 6 months

Michelangelo Prendin
GENERAL MANAGER of  Vision Engineering Italia

+20% of purchases coming from organic traffic

Dario Sala

+221% of contacts in just 6 months

Massimo Barsotti

+31% of conversions in 6 months

The services of our SEO company

1. On-site seo & technical optimization

Technical analysis of your site to understand its current situation and identify any areas for improvement or structural critical issues, with subsequent on-page SEO optimization.

There are hundreds of factors that contribute to the ranking of a website: from the architecture – which may or may not facilitate crawling and indexing of the site – to the speed of content loading; from the correct implementation of security protocols (https) to the network of internal links, etc.

Through an SEO Audit we analyze all the metrics that influence the positioning of a site, identifying all the technical interventions for site optimization.

2. Keywords strategy

Keywords are the foundation of your online strategy.

Based on your business objectives, thanks to our experience and with the help of technical tools, we will identify the right mix of: branded keywords, prestigious words with high traffic for your sector, but above all keywords that convert.

3. Off-site optimization, digital pr & trust building

One of the most important factors for a site’s ranking is its level of authority on the web (trust), which is measured above all in terms of the number of incoming links from quality sites.

Our trust building & digital PR activities have the objective of increasing the number of links from external sites to your site, attracted naturally thanks to the creation of authoritative content, avoiding penalties or networks of sites with negative trust.

4. First aid seo penalizations

We purposely chose the word “first aid” because sometimes it can happen to “get very hurt” in the SEO field: generation of duplicate content, keyword stuffing, links from ambiguous sites, etc… These are just some of the factors that can negatively influence on the positioning of your site.

Not only that: even in optimal conditions, Google’s algorithm can penalize sites that do not respect certain metrics. In any case, we will be at your side to help you move up the SERPs of search engines.

5. Seo migrations

Migrations have always been one of the most delicate activities that can concern a website, also because they are often neglected or carried out incompletely, literally ruining all the efforts made to obtain a good positioning on search engines.

We will be at your side to guarantee the best SEO migration in the event of a domain change, protocol change (from http to https), correct setting of redirects and so on, ensuring that your positions are maintained.

6. Local SEO

4 out of 5 users search on Google to find information on businesses close to them, we will help you get found with a geolocalized SEO strategy, which includes:

  • the optimization and positioning of Google My Business listings (for your company or for your store network)
  • their management (with publication of products, services, posts, etc.)
  • a care of yours local reputation (review management).

7. International seo

We have also accumulated experience in wide-ranging SEO strategies, such as multi-language & multi-country projects, which require a deep understanding and adaptation to the dynamics of individual markets.

8. SEO for E-commerce

You have a valid product, a shiny e-commerce site, but it isn’t performing as you want: you just need a push to get your online sales off the ground.

Our service aimed at sites with e-commerce involves the optimization of categories and product sheets, both from an SEO perspective (avoiding duplicate content and cannibalization between similar products, etc.), and from a CRO perspective with the insertion of ad hoc messages to increase the conversion rate.

Customized Marketing Solutions for Sector-Specific Challengesy

We are specialized in your sector.

Take the first step with your SEO Strategy in Italy with us

Discover how our Seo company can help you and your business